Using Business Intelligence to Monitor Performance and Track Key Performance Indicators

Business intelligence (BI) is a powerful tool for monitoring performance & tracking key performance indicators (KPs). Learn how to use BI & track KPIs.

Using Business Intelligence to Monitor Performance and Track Key Performance Indicators

Business intelligence (BI) is a powerful tool for monitoring performance and tracking key performance indicators (KPs). It provides a reference point to compare your company's performance with other companies in the industry and with internal goals and objectives. Power BI professionals need to understand their own performance in order to grow. Metrics are essential for an organization, as they shape the way new reports are prepared.

The right visualization can store all KPIs in one place, creating more efficient models and relevant reports. This makes it easier for users to see, interact with, and better comprehend the difference between actual and desired KPI values. To monitor “at risk” reports, take into account the Days Since Views KPI. Here are some examples of business intelligence KPIs to illustrate how they adapt to your operations:

  • Financial metrics
  • Marketing metrics
  • Customer service metrics
Tracking KPIs is essential for identifying areas of the company that need improvement.

They provide information on business trends and areas of opportunity, while giving management a clear understanding of what is going well or what needs to be improved. This knowledge can be used to determine what needs to be improved and strengthen business intelligence practices. Evaluating performance regularly and working on areas that need improvement until they're up to where they need to be is key. Business analysis tools like Power BI help you analyze your company's data through the metrics chosen with its interesting widgets.

Human Resources (HR) metrics tell you how much your employees are contributing to the health of your company. If you already have reports, dashboards, or business intelligence systems, review them first to see how they align with the KPIs you've chosen. If you're not sure what your goals or objectives should be, assess your current performance and compare it with that of the competition in the industry. To get the most out of your business intelligence practices, track KPIs regularly and use the data collected to make better decisions.

This should include processes that should be implemented and how often they should be monitored and improved. Having the means to monitor the productivity and performance of your human resources team allows you to know what processes and policies are working and what aren't.